Thursday, 29 March 2012

Deep Fried Pork Chop & Katsuton ( カツ丼 )

おはようございます.Japanese food again?I love Japanese food very much.Japanese food abit sweet,that why i love it.Maybe because they using mirin and dashi stock (柴鱼高汤).It is very sweet stock.Somethings like our 'ikan bilis sup'.
Katsuton mean deep fried pork cutlet on rice.It a very popular Japanese food.It serve with rice with deep-fried pork chop,a sweet sauce,onion and egg on the top.Beef and chicken can substitute for the pork.I prefer pork... :p
When i was small,i remember i put bonito flakes in my porridge.It very fragrant.My aunty bought it from Taiwan.My aunty like to buy us nori,seaweed paste and bonito flakes.She say it good for children.My aunty already married to Taiwan almost 30 years.Now she no need buy us this things already.It selling in all supermarket ( in Seremban only Jusco and 100yen shop can find. )
Here is the recipe :

Ingredients for Pork Chop

500g pork tenderloin
some salt and pepper for taste
plain flour
1 egg (lightly beaten)
bread crumbs (white)
some oil for deep-frying


Rinse the pork tenderlion and pat-dry.Season with salt and pepper.Marinate for 1 hour.
Dust the pork with some plain flour.
Dip it in egg.

Then coat with bread crumbs.
Deep fry it in low heat until it light golden brown.Then turn to high heat and fry until golden brown or cooked.
Remove,drain well and serve.

Ingredients for Katsuton

1 bowl cooked Japanese rice
1 piece deep fried pork chop
1tbsp mirin
1tbsp soy sauce ( i use Japanese soy sauce )
1/2tsp sugar
100ml dashi stock ( you also can use dashi powder )
1 egg ( lightly beaten )
some yellow onion 

Dashi stock recipe source : Just One Cookbook


Put dashi stock,mirin,soy sauce,sugar in a sauce pot.
Once the stock start boil add in onion.
 Steam it for a while then add in the deep fried pork chop and beaten egg.
Remove from heat and put the pork chop on cooked rice.Garnish with Nori.


Friday, 23 March 2012

Teriyaki Chicken

Nothing i can say about this chicken...One word...Yummy....Hahaha!!...My family love it...That all i want...
Because of want to make castella cake,i bought one bottle of mirin.Only a small bottle.If only use for making castella cake,it really a bit hard to finish the mirin.I don't want keep the mirin too long.If not i will forget about it.So i look for some recipe that using mirin.
I remember i have see before that teriyaki sauce is make from mirin.It very good because it use lot of mirin.I can finish my mirin faster.It easy to cook
too.Not much ingredients.

9 medium size chicken drumsticks
4 cloves garlic (mashed)
5 slices ginger
3tbsp cooking oil
2 stalks spring onion

Teriyaki sauce
1/2 cup mirin
1/2 cup soy sauce ( i using japanese soy sauce )
2tbsp sugar

  1. Cook Teriyaki sauce till boiling and continue to simmer for 3 mintues at low heat.Leave cool.
  2. Put the chicken,other ingredients and Teriyaki sauce in a bowl.Mix well.Marinate at least 2 hours.
  3. Bake the chicken in preheated oven at 220'c for 35 mintues or until cooked.
  4. Brush the chicken with remaining Teriyaki sauce for few time while baking. ( i do it every 10 mintues )
  5. Serve it.

 P/S : You also can use ready to use Teriyaki sauce.It sold in supermarket

Monday, 19 March 2012

Crispy Fried Bitter Gourd

I know many people don't like this small bitter gourd ( some say it indian bitter gourd,maybe Indian people like to eat this kind of bitter gourd ) because it very bitter.But i like it( i only like cooked bitter gourd).Normally my mother will use small bitter gourd to make soup.Pork ribs small bitter gourd soup (苦瓜排骨汤).It won't feel bitter after cook.

For people who high blood pressure,every morning drink one glass of small bitter gourd,green apple and one stick of celery juice.It very good.Bitter gourd more bitter is more good.It also can help to cold down our body temperature.If you has denggi,double boiled smalll bitter gourd with frog (田鸡).It can cold down body temperature and frog it high in protein.

I remember when i do detox.Every morning i have to drink this bitter gourd juice.I can not direct drink like that.I add 1/2 lemon juice on let.I can not stand the bitter taste.Raw bitter gourd is very bitter.

I want my boyfriend eat this bitter gourd (he hate bitter vegetable),so i try many way to cook bitter gourd.Lucky he like this crispy fried bitter gourd.Everytime i want he to eat bitter gourd,i will tell him after cook it won't taste bitter (sometime he like kid.hahaha!! :P)

This crispy fried bitter gourd you can found it at mamak store.It is a Indian dish.It is not spicy but very fragrant with spices.Taste a bit bitter.

Here is the recipe :

recipe source : Echo's Kitchen

2 small bitter gourd/indian bitter gourd(my bitter gourd abit big in size,so i use 2 only.if your bitter gourd is small,you can use 4)
1tsp chilli powder
1tsp paprika
1tsp turmeric powder
1tsp cumin powder
some salt
1 1/2tbsp rice flour
2tbsp oil
some oil for deep-frying

  1. Wash the bitter gourd.Slice it as thin as you can.Don't remove the seed unless it's too big and rough.
  2. Mix the sliced bitter groud with all the spices,salt and oil.Let it marinate for 10 minutes.
  3. Then sprinkle rice flour and mix well.
  4. Deep fried until golden brown at medium heat.
  5. Serve it hot.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Green Tea Castella ( 緑茶カステラ )

As i say i will try to make this cake again.This time i try to make Green Tea Castella.I also using newspaper to make paper baking pan.You can have the instruc­tions for mak­ing the mould at Youtube and you also can see how they make this cake here.

This recipe i follow Roti n Rice.You can see the recipe and step by step method at her blog.The ingredients same as the Honey Castella.Just honey replace green tea powder and add mirin.I love this cake very much.I can non stop eating this cake.You can serve with green tea or a cup of red tea.

I feel very happy.This time it came out better then Honey Castella.This time not much hole and texture more firm.I think next time can try Chocolate Castella.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Honey Castella ( カステラ )

The 1st time i saw this cake is at Sonia blog (Nasi Lemak Lover).She say she make 4th time still not prefect.So in my mind this cake is very hard to make.That time i never think want to try to make.The 2nd time i see this cake is at Anncoo Journal blog.Then i click on the blog she suggest.I found Biren (Roti n Rice) recipe like abit easy.No oil and SP.Only 4 ingredients needed.My house got this ingredients.Why don't i give it a try.If failed also never mind because not much ingredient wasted.The shape look not very nice but this cake really a very soft.Actually have to trim the side of the cake so it will look nice.But it too wasted.(I am a very stingy person) Hehe.....

Today i bring some to my office and let my colleagues try. ( They'll always my white rat -白老鼠) Hahaha....
All my baking and cooking sure i will bring for them to try.They'll love this Honey Castella.They say the cake is soft and slightly chewy.The honey so fragrant.If you love to have soft texture cake,sure you will love this cake.

I will make again.I am not satisfied with this cake because it look not very nice.Maybe this weekend or next week or maybe have to wait until i free.This weekend i promise my colleagues will make mille crepe.She request long time already.Making crepe need a lot of time.Then next week got 2 new baby will come to my house.More busy.......Little Keith now very naught...He follow what ever we do.

Here is the recipe :

recipe source : Roti n Rice

2 eggs white at room temperature
2 eggs yolk at room temperature
70g sugar
50g bread flour ( sifted )
1tbsp honey diluted with 1tbsp hot water

  1. Line a loaf pan with aluminum foil followed by baking paper.Preheat oven at 160'c.
  2. Beat eggs white at high speed until slightly form.Add sugar 2 to 3 increments until firm peaks form.
  3. Add egg yolk one by one at medium speed until well combined.
  4. Add sifted flour and beat until just combined.
  5. Pour in honey mixture and beat until combined.
  6. Pour batter through a sieve into loaf pan.Press with spatula to help batter go through sieve.Tap pan to remover air bubbles.Use spatula to smooth the top of the batter.( I did not do well in this step.That why my cake loose and got small hole. )
  7. Bake in preheated oven for 45 minutes or until top is evenly browned.
  8. Take out the cake from the oven.Let rest for awhile.
  9. Cover with a parchment paper on the top then invert mould.Remove the loaf pan.
  10. Let the cake cool down slightly and wrap it with parchment paper and cling wrap.
  11. Store the warm cake inside the fridge overnight.This to ensure the cake has moist texture.
  12. Trim the sides of the cake and serve.
Little Keith can't wait to taste the cake.He look at the cake and keep saying 'mum mum'.Hahaha!!!!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Ginger Chicken Drummets

The mid-joint i already use it to make Thai Style Chicken Wings.Left the drummets.I sitting at there thinking what i can do with the dummets.I scrape the drummets into boxing shape.Still don't know what i want to cook with it.Lazy to think.Same as the Mix Herb Bbq Chicken,i see what seasoning i have in my kitchen.Lucky it came out taste good too.Hahaha.....


6 chicken drummets 
10g ginger,grated
3tbsp oyster sauce or hoisin sauce or abalone sauce
1tsp fish sauce
1/2tbsp chilli sauce
1/2tbsp soy sauce
1tbsp sugar
1/2tbsp water

  1. Wash and scrape drummets into boxing shape.
  2. Marinate with above ingredients at least 2 hours.Taste better marinate overnight.
  3. Brush some oil on the baking pan and bake in preheated oven at 220'c for 20 minutes or until cooked.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Thai Style Chicken Wings

It look like deep-fry,right?No...i grill it.I using up and bottom heat.Actually the recipe is bake in oven. If bake, the skin not so crispy.So i try grill.It came out like deep-fry.The skin so crispy.The sesame so fragrant.
Go with the dipping sauce....Yummy .... Yummy......

6 pieces chicken wings ( mid-joint with wing tip )
50g fish paste
50g minced pork
1tsp chili (chopped)
2pieces water chestnut (chopped)
1/2tbsp corn flour
1/2tsp fish sauce
some pepper
1/2cup corn flour for coating
1 egg white (beaten)
some sesame seeds

Dipping sauce (Mixed)
1tbsp water
1clove garlic (chopped)
1tsp fish sauce
1tsp lime juice
1tsp sugar
2 chilli padi

  1. Debone mid-joint of chicken wings. ( No body help me to take the camera,so i can not post how to debone the chicken wing.)
  2. Mix fish paste,minced pork,chilli,water chestnut,fish sauce,corn flour and pepper.Stir well until mixture is firmed.
  3. Stuff chicken wings with the above mixture.
  4. Coat chicken wings with corn flour,then dip into egg white and coat with sesame seeds.
  5. Bake the chicken wings in preheated oven at 220'c for 25 or golden colour.Or grill using up and bottom heat.
  6. Serve with the dipping sauce.

    Tuesday, 6 March 2012

    Mix Herb Bbq Chicken

    This mix herb bbq chicken i use what even herb i got inside my fridge.Here is what i have.......


    6 medium size chicken drumsticks
    1/2tsp paprika
    1/2tsp black pepper
    1/2tsp italian herbs
    1/2tsp cumin ground
    1/2tsp garam masala
    1tbsp concentrated chicken stock or abalone sauce or oyster sauce

    1. Wash the chicken drumsticks.
    2. Put all the spice in a bowl and mix evenly then put in the chicken.
    3. Marinate it at least 2 hours.Better marinate it overnight.
    4. Bake 220'C for 30 minutes or until golden brown.

    Monday, 5 March 2012

    Double Boiled Coconut Black Chicken Soup

    My mother long time didn't make this soup already.So yesterday i went to wet market,bought one big coconut and a black chicken.I using my multifunction pressure cooker to double boil this soup.No need watch the fire and water.Taste same as using gas or charcoal.

    Here is the recipe :


    1 big old coconut
    1/4 black chicken
    Yu Zhu
    Red date
    Dang Shen
    1cup coconut water
    some hot water
    salt to taste ( but i didn't put salt because all the ingredients is sweet.It enough taste for me.)

    1. Boil some water.
    2. Clean the coconut and black chicken.Cut the chicken into 4 price.
    3. Rinse the yu zhu,red dates and dang shen.Yu Zhu and dang shen may contain dirt.Remove red dates seeds.
    4. Put all the ingredients into the coconut.Pour in the coconut water and hot water inside the coconut.Remember put only 90% full.
    5. Cover it and simmer at high heat for 15 mins then turn to lower heat simmer for 4 hours.
    6. Turn off the heat and taste the soup 1st before put salt.
    7. Serve hot.

    Saturday, 3 March 2012

    Black Sesame Macaron with Cranberry Compote Eggyolk Buttercream

    When i see Wendy replace almond meal to pistachio,i think walnut also can.But too bad,i forget where i put my walnut.I only found black sesame paste.I think don't know black sesame can or not.Don't care....i just give it a try....

    When i put them in my oven,i very scared.Don't know it success or not.Lucky it came out very nice...Taste very good too.The black sesame so fragrant. Plus this time i reduce 30g of sugar on the macaron shell.Because my friend and family say too sweet to eat.So,this time i try to reduce some sugar.Today i bring back to my office this macaroon.My colleagues love it.They'll say this time not too sweet.Nice to eat.

    Here is the recipe :

    Recipe modified from Wendyinkk
    Black sesame mixture
    77gm black sesame paste
    23gm almond meal
    100gm icing sugar
    37gm egg white (from 1 Grade A egg)
    Small pinch of salt

    37gm egg white (from 1 Grade A egg)
    70gm sugar (original recipe 100g)
    25gm water


    Black sesame mixture
    1. Sift almond meal and black sesame paste with icing sugar.
    2. Mix almond mixture with egg white and salt. Set aside.
      1. When the syrup reaches 105'c.Beat egg white until medium peaks.
      2. When the syrup reaches 118'c,pour the syrup into the egg white with beaters running on low speed.
      3. Beat meringue until stiff and glossy.
      4. Stir 1/3 of meringue into black sesame mixture.
      5. Pour black sesame mixture into meringue and fold ( remember don't stir it) The batter must look like cake batter.
      6. Put the batter into a piping bag.Pipe dollops of batter onto a lined baking tray.( must use non-stick paper)
      7. Put some white sesame on the top of the batter.
      8. Bake in the prepared oven at 150'c for 17 min.
      9. Peel the macaroon from the paper and let cool on the rack.
      10. Place 1tsp of cranberry compote cream on the macaron and top with another macaron.
      11. Place covered air tight and keep in fridge overnight before serve.

      Before bake and after bake.My boyfriend say look like burger.Hahaha......My colleague say look like sesame ball ( the one we eat at Chinese New Year).

       Eggyolk Buttercream

      recipe source : Peng's Kitchen

      100gm unsalted butter
      50ml milk
      2 egg yolks
      40gm sugar


      1. Soften the butter. (Don't melt the butter)
      2. Combine egg yolks & sugar in a mixing bowl, whisk until pale and thick.
      3. Transfer egg yolk mixture into a small saucepan together with the milk. 
      4. Simmer over low heat until thick and creamy.(Be careful not to scrambled the mixture)
      5. Transfer above mixture into mixing bowl and whip with a electric whisk until pale and thick until you can draw a clear line on spatula.
      6. Add in softened butter in 3 batches and beat till thicken and hold its shape.
      7. Ready to use.

      Cranberry Compote Eggyolk Buttercream

      70g fresh cranberries
      1tbsp sugar
      100gm eggyolk buttercream
      some water

      1. Put cranberry,sugar and water in a pot.Cook in a low heat until the cranberry juice ooze out.Let it cool.
      2. Mix the cranberry compote with the buttercream. 

      I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #17-March Macaron Madness! (Mar 2012) hosted by Alan of Travellingfoodies