Monday, 12 March 2012

Green Tea Castella ( 緑茶カステラ )

As i say i will try to make this cake again.This time i try to make Green Tea Castella.I also using newspaper to make paper baking pan.You can have the instruc­tions for mak­ing the mould at Youtube and you also can see how they make this cake here.

This recipe i follow Roti n Rice.You can see the recipe and step by step method at her blog.The ingredients same as the Honey Castella.Just honey replace green tea powder and add mirin.I love this cake very much.I can non stop eating this cake.You can serve with green tea or a cup of red tea.

I feel very happy.This time it came out better then Honey Castella.This time not much hole and texture more firm.I think next time can try Chocolate Castella.


  1. I have yet to make the 5th attempts, hehehe! next time i also want to try match flavours. You have nicely done this cake.
