Friday, 9 March 2012

Honey Castella ( カステラ )

The 1st time i saw this cake is at Sonia blog (Nasi Lemak Lover).She say she make 4th time still not prefect.So in my mind this cake is very hard to make.That time i never think want to try to make.The 2nd time i see this cake is at Anncoo Journal blog.Then i click on the blog she suggest.I found Biren (Roti n Rice) recipe like abit easy.No oil and SP.Only 4 ingredients needed.My house got this ingredients.Why don't i give it a try.If failed also never mind because not much ingredient wasted.The shape look not very nice but this cake really a very soft.Actually have to trim the side of the cake so it will look nice.But it too wasted.(I am a very stingy person) Hehe.....

Today i bring some to my office and let my colleagues try. ( They'll always my white rat -白老鼠) Hahaha....
All my baking and cooking sure i will bring for them to try.They'll love this Honey Castella.They say the cake is soft and slightly chewy.The honey so fragrant.If you love to have soft texture cake,sure you will love this cake.

I will make again.I am not satisfied with this cake because it look not very nice.Maybe this weekend or next week or maybe have to wait until i free.This weekend i promise my colleagues will make mille crepe.She request long time already.Making crepe need a lot of time.Then next week got 2 new baby will come to my house.More busy.......Little Keith now very naught...He follow what ever we do.

Here is the recipe :

recipe source : Roti n Rice

2 eggs white at room temperature
2 eggs yolk at room temperature
70g sugar
50g bread flour ( sifted )
1tbsp honey diluted with 1tbsp hot water

  1. Line a loaf pan with aluminum foil followed by baking paper.Preheat oven at 160'c.
  2. Beat eggs white at high speed until slightly form.Add sugar 2 to 3 increments until firm peaks form.
  3. Add egg yolk one by one at medium speed until well combined.
  4. Add sifted flour and beat until just combined.
  5. Pour in honey mixture and beat until combined.
  6. Pour batter through a sieve into loaf pan.Press with spatula to help batter go through sieve.Tap pan to remover air bubbles.Use spatula to smooth the top of the batter.( I did not do well in this step.That why my cake loose and got small hole. )
  7. Bake in preheated oven for 45 minutes or until top is evenly browned.
  8. Take out the cake from the oven.Let rest for awhile.
  9. Cover with a parchment paper on the top then invert mould.Remove the loaf pan.
  10. Let the cake cool down slightly and wrap it with parchment paper and cling wrap.
  11. Store the warm cake inside the fridge overnight.This to ensure the cake has moist texture.
  12. Trim the sides of the cake and serve.
Little Keith can't wait to taste the cake.He look at the cake and keep saying 'mum mum'.Hahaha!!!!


  1. eh, u can trim off the sides and eat ma.. I never throw what I trim, they get eaten by my girls, hahahah!

  2. the problem is no body want to eat.... :( .i the one only eat but i dont like dry food... :(

  3. the castella fever is really all around, it doesnt look that bad la..i dont mind being your 白老鼠!

    1. wah...come come...more 白老鼠 more good...more opinion....i like..hahaha...
