Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Chinese Style Almond Milk Drink

The 1st time i saw this recipe,i know it will taste good.Chinese almond is very good for lung.I love to chew it,like eating peanut.It high in fibre,also help to prevent constipation and will help in reducing cholesterol.

You can get it at all Chinese medicine shop.Make sure you ask them to separate it because this Chinese Almond come with 2 type,sweet and bitter.It look almost the same.

Here is the recipe :

Recipe source : Echo's Kitchen

80g sweet almond
20g bitter almond
50g white rice
5 cups water
some rock sugar to taste

  1. Rinse almond and rice.Soak it at least 8 hours or overnight.Remember put it in refrigerator.
  2. Drain and grind the almond and rice with 3 cups of water.
  3. Then use a muslin cloth to squeeze out almond milk.
  4. Put back the almond paste into blender,add the balance 2 cups of water and grind again.Repeat the process no.3 to extract almond milk.
  5. Combine both batches if almond milk in a saucepan,add in so rock sugar and bring to boil.Then turn to low heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until cooked.


  1. Hi Hody,
    I have never had this drink before. Just wondering what is the taste like?

    1. someone will say it taste like cockroach...haha...for me it very fragrant....

  2. My mom will love u if u made this for her. She super love this one.

    She will never get it from me.
    I'm one of those who will say this smells like gatchat. Sorry ah!

    1. last time i also dont like...but now i love it very much...

  3. Wow it seems very interesting! I never tried it too and im curious :)

  4. Hody, I have never tried this drink before but someone told me it smells horrible. I think maybe depends on each individual taste.

    1. you are right.many ppl don't like the taste.

  5. I think my mom used this to cook water cress soup too if I am not mistaken, quite delicious once you get use to the smell.
