Thursday, 24 May 2012

Lychee and Lemon Soda Drink

Last week very hot in Seremban.How about your place?Feel good if can have a cool drink,right?Once i saw this drink recipe at Nasi Lemak Lover ,i faster bookmark it.I know one day i can use it.Plus my house got many can of  lychee,from CNY hamper.
It so refreshing.Sweet and sour and cool.........Once you drink it..........the 1st feel is.....Ha..........Syoknya....hehehe...

Here is the recipe :

Recipe source : Nasi Lemak Lover,with minor changes.
1 can of lychee
1 lemon ( grating the zest and squeezed the juices)
1/2 bottle of ice-cream soda
some syrup water for taste ( boil some sugar and water together )

  1. Blend lychee together with the water and lemon zest until fine.
  2. Add in lemon juice,syrup water and ice-cream soda.Taste it.If not enough sweet add more syrup water.
  3. Put in ice cubes and serve it.

Easy,right?Try it.You will love it..... Promise.....

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Chinese Style Almond Milk Drink

The 1st time i saw this recipe,i know it will taste good.Chinese almond is very good for lung.I love to chew it,like eating peanut.It high in fibre,also help to prevent constipation and will help in reducing cholesterol.

You can get it at all Chinese medicine shop.Make sure you ask them to separate it because this Chinese Almond come with 2 type,sweet and bitter.It look almost the same.

Here is the recipe :

Recipe source : Echo's Kitchen

80g sweet almond
20g bitter almond
50g white rice
5 cups water
some rock sugar to taste

  1. Rinse almond and rice.Soak it at least 8 hours or overnight.Remember put it in refrigerator.
  2. Drain and grind the almond and rice with 3 cups of water.
  3. Then use a muslin cloth to squeeze out almond milk.
  4. Put back the almond paste into blender,add the balance 2 cups of water and grind again.Repeat the process no.3 to extract almond milk.
  5. Combine both batches if almond milk in a saucepan,add in so rock sugar and bring to boil.Then turn to low heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until cooked.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Fried Dumpling - ( 鍋貼 )

Long time didn't cook for family.Finally this weekend free to cook.Fried Dumpling is my favorite.I lazy to roll the skin....hehehe....So I using ready made skin.I bought this dumpling skin at Tesco.They wrote there Jiaozi skin.

I love eat with black vinegar and ginger.This time i make vegetarian filling.Because feel like don't want eat too much meat.

Here is the recipe :

Ingredients :

500g chives,chopped
100g carrot,chopped
4pcs firm tofu,chopped
1tbsp chicken stock powder/vegetarian G powder
2tbsp soy sauce
1tsp sugar
some pepper and sesame oil
some cooking oil for frying
2packs ready made dumpling skin

Flour water
Recipe source : Nasi Lemak Lover
2 cup water + some plain flour + some salt ( for a thin layer of cripsy cooked flour at the bottom )

Dipping sauce
2tbsp black vingar + 2tbsp water + 2tsp sugar

  1. Heat up some cooking oil,add in chives,carrot and tofu.Stir fry well.
  2. Add in seasoning,stir fry until dry.Dish out and set aside to cool.
  3. Put 1tbsp of filling into the center of the skin.Put some water on the side of the dumpling skin and fold it accordingly.
  4. Using a non-stick pan and put some cooking oil on it.Fry the dumpling in a medium heat.
  5. Once the bottom of the dumping is golden brown add in 1/2 cup flour water and cover with lid.Cook over high heat until the water dry up.
  6. Dish up and serve with vinegar and ginger.

I am submitting this post to
 Aspiring Bakers #19 : Dim Sum Affair ( May 2012) 
hosted by SSB of Small Small Baker.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Hum Choi-Homemade Pickled Mustard Greens

Long time didn't update my blog.Lately i very busy with work and some cake order from my friend.I also didn't make anythings lately for my family.I have bought some berries to make cake but the end is all i ate like that.No time to think and no time to bake.
This Hum Choy i make it 1 month ago.This is the 1st time i make and the last time i make.I won't make any Hum Choi after this.Why?Because my panel doctor (Traditional Chinese Medicine) say my mother and i can not eat Hum Choi.My mother legs will pain after eat Hum Choi and my hand also feel very pain after eat Hum Choi.I love Hum Choi very much.Too bad i can not eat anymore. :(

Here is the recipe :

Ingredients :
Recipe source : Nasi Lemak Lover

2kg mustard greens ( kai choi )
145g salt

Brining solution
3-4 litres water or enough to cover
4tbsp salt
40g ginger,sliced
1tsp turmeric powder
1tbsp rice flour,mixed with 4tbsp water


  1. Wash and cut the mustard greens into half.Rub salt in between the leaves and stem then set aside for about 6 hours to draw out the moisture and wilt the greens.
  2. Bring water and brining ingredients to boil.Then set aside to cool before use.
  3. Squeeze out the moisture from the mustard greens and put it into jar.
  4. Pour the cooled brining solution into the jar.
  5. Cover the top with plastic sheet and cover by lid.
  6. Put the jar in a cool place to ferment for 7 days.(I forget it already,when i remember it already ferment 2 week)
  7. Remove the mustard green after that and without squeezing out any liquid,discard brining solution.
  8. Put the hum choi in an airtight container and store refrigerated for up to 2 months.

Before i end this post i will like to share some cake order from my friend.
Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese.This is a mother's day cake.Order from my colleague for her grandmother,mother and aunty.
Red Velvet Cake with Cream Chesse and Mocha Checkerboard Cake with Swiss Meringue Buttercream (recipe source : Wendyinkk and minor changes).This 4 cakes also a Mother's Day.My friend order for her mother,mother in law and 2 aunty.I using 2 days to finish it.Feel very tired after that.
This also a Red Velvet Cupcake for a 26 year old birthday girl.Girl things theme....
This time no more Red Velvet Cake.This time will be Honey Vanilla Cupcake.Tonight i only make the cupcake.I make this fondant yesterday.My friend order this cupcake for tomorrow farewell party at office.