Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Grilled Pork-肉干

This is my 1st post for my blog.As we know Chinese New Year is coming.Now is time to make grilled pork.This year i don't want make too many cookies for Chinese New Year.My mother and boyfriend already complained that i make too many cookies for last year Chinese New Year.So this year i make grilled pork because my boyfriend can help me to grill it.hehehe..........

Ingredient :
600g shoulder meat ( pork)
Marinade :
140g    caster sugar
1 tbsp  soy sauce
2 tbsp  fish sauce
2 tbsp  rose wine ( 玫瑰露 )
1/2 tsp MSG
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp licorine powder
2 tbsp  cooking oil
1 tbsp  water
Dash of red colouring

Method : 
  1. Rinse meat,pat dry.Grind meat and add in marinade.Blend well until it hasachieved a sticky texture.Keep it marinated for one hour or more.(i marinade 2 days inside the fridge)
  2. Grease a try sized 15"x15" with oil.Spread meat of no. (1) on top.Flatten well.sun-dry or smoke till dry.
  3. Cut no. (2) into squares,grill over charcoal ambers till cooked ( can be grilled in an oven or panfried in wok ).