Sunday, 4 November 2012

Ikan Keli Bakar dengan Air Asam Mangga-Grilled Catfish with Mango Sour Gravy

Many Chinese people won't use this fish to cook.Normally they will use it to boil soup.Black bean and Catfish soup.For me i love this fish very much.It very sweet and less bone.Deep-fry it also yummy.
This is my 1st time grill this fish.

Air Asam Mangga(Mango Sour Gravy)

Here is the recipe :

Recipe source : Book entitled Cita Rasa Malaysia-Kedah by Chef Habibi

( A )
6 catfishs
3tbsp turmeric powder
salt for taste
some tamarind (asam jawa)-mix with some water

( B )-Mango Sour Gravy
5pcs red chilli
10pcs chilli api
1 cup tamarind water (air asam jawa)
1 large onion
some belacan
salt and sugar for taste
mango (chopped)

I using charcoal to grill the fish.You also can use oven to grill it.


  1. Clean the fish and soak it into tamarind water.Then wash it again and add in salt and turmeric powder.
  2. Grill it over charcoal until cooked.
  3. Set aside.
Mango Sour Gravy
  1. Blend belacan,red chilli and half of chilli api with tamarind water.
  2. Then add in salt and sugar for taste.
  3. Finely chopped chilli api and onion.Mix it with blended chilli and add in chopped mango.
  4. Pour into a bowl and serve with grilled fish.
  5. Garnish with calamansi.

Easy and yummy grilled fish.Must try.

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest,Kedah and Perlis month 


  1. yeha, never tried cooking this fish before. that mango sour gravy sounds delicious tho:))

  2. I dun dare buy keli to cook. Cos the sellers dun clean for us one leh!

    1. Wet market in Seremban clean for us...Last time i buy at supermarket..they didnt clean for us,so my mother clean by herself.Now more easy...just buy from wet market.

  3. Hi Hody, you are very courageous, i dare not buy keli but love grilled fish. love this dish and seems the northen people like their air asam salad.. nice!
    btw, If you love baking, I have 3 baking books to giveaway on my blog. come join the giveaway.
