Sunday, 26 August 2012

Curry Laksa ( Laksa Lemak )

Nyonya food again...This is my 2nd time make.The 1st time is my mother cook for us.This time is i cook for them but my mother helping.You will asking what is the difference Nyonya Laksa with other Laksa?
The difference is Nyonya Laksa more creamy.They put alot of santan...Once you try,you never forget the taste.Super yummy...... :p

Here is the recipe :

1kg yellow noodle or mee hoon

Laksa Broth
( A )
10++ shallots-bawang kecil (peeled and sliced)
one small piece of turmeric-kunyit (about 8-10cm.skinned)
one small piece of galangal-lengkuas (about 6cm)
8 stalks lemongrass-serai ( sliced )
20 stalks dried chilies-cili kering (soaked until soften)
10 candlenuts-buah keras
10g shrimp paste-belacan
1tbsp coriander powder-serbuk ketumbar

( B )
1 liter prawns or chicken stock
2 cups thick santan
salt to taste
some cooking oil

Garnishing Ingredients
20 pcs tofe puffs (scalded to remove oil)
20pcs Quails eggs (hard boiled)
500g prawns (boiled & peeled)-i skip this because i can not eat prawn
2-3 large fishcakes or you can replace it with fish ball
1 cucumber (julienned)
200g beansprouts (blanched)
1 bunch polygonum leaves-daun kesum

Sambal Ingredients
10 fresh red chilli
10 stalks dried chilli (soaked)
2tsp shrimp paste-belacan
salt and sugar for taste


  1. Using an electric blender,finely grind the chillies.
  2. Heat some cooking oil,saute the chilli paste until fragrant.Then add salt and sugar to taste.
  3.  Set aside.
Laska Broth
  1. Using an electric blender,finely grind ingredients A to a smooth paste.
  2. Heat up some oil and saute the spice paste until fragrant.
  3. Add in the stock and bring to boil.
  4. Then add in coconut milk,salt and sugar for taste.Bring it to a quick boil stirring continuously.
  5. Turn off the heat.
To assemble
  1. Blanch noodle/mee hoon in boilling water & drain.
  2. Place the noodles/mee hoon in a large bowl,ladle hot laksa gravy over.
  3. Top with all garishing ingredients and sambal.
  4. Serve immediately.

I am submitting this to Malaysia Food Fest,Melaka month


  1. the more santan, the better, haha!
    I hate diluted curry laksa

  2. Your laksa lemak is very tempting. I will drink all the gravy! Also must have lots of sambal with this. You are right, we nyonyas never stingy with our santan.

  3. Hody, I have not had my lunch yet. I want! (Ho tor liu wor! Lau how sui) here.
