Sunday, 3 June 2012

Herbal Jelly-Sweet Gui Ling Koh

Herbal jelly,in chinese we call it Gui Ling Koh.It a very healthy snack,especially in hot weather and after a spicy meal.For those want beautiful skin,eat more Gui Ling Koh because it a very good detox food.
I like to serve cold.Feel refreshing.It taste sweet and abit bitter.

I make this Gui Ling Koh using my Multifunction Pressure Cooker.I love my pressure cooker very much.It help us alot.Make our life more easy.It easy to use,save cost,time and energy.
Why it call Multifunction Pressure Cooker?Because it not only got high pressure function.It got low pressure,stir-fry,keep warm,steam and slow cook.My mother use it everyday for cooking porridge for the little one and also soup for us.Even double-boil soup i also using my multifunction pressure cooker.Easy,right?No need always check the level of water when making double-boil soup.

Here is the recipe :

Recipe source : Y3K Recipes (60)-5/6-2011 by Eliz Ng

15g lui qin cao ( 六琴草)
1 large loh hon guo ( 罗汉果)
12g fu shen (伏神)
810g brown cane sugar (片糖)-about 2 packet
2.5 liter water ( if you not using pressure cooker,you need 3 liter water )

(Mix together)
1 packet original taste gui ling koh powder (10 small sachets in 1 packet)
580ml water


Put all ingredients (A) except cane sugar into pressure cooker.Set time at high pressure for 40 min.If you cook using usual way,once it boil turn to low heat and let it simmer for one and half hours.

After 40 min,release the water vapor and turn to stir-fry function.Then add in brown cane sugar and let it boil until the sugar is melted.

Stain out the herbal solution. ( if you not using pressure cooker,make sure there is 2.5 liters of solution or add extra hot water ).Then put it back into pot and add in ingredients (B).Stir all the time until it boil.

Then turn off the heat.Spoon into utensil and leave it cool.Keep it chilled at least 1-2 hours before serve.
Serve it cold.

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #20 :


  1. Hi, visiting through Aspiring Bakers. This dessert is not easy to make. Well done!
