Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Cream Cheese Mix Fruit SwissRoll.....

I am submitting this to the Christmas Giveaway in

Half year i didn't made swiss roll.My sister almost every month say want to eat swiss roll.She like cream cheese and mango filling.Everytime she request me to made swissroll,i will try her i didn't buy mango.This time she buy the mango 1st then she ask me to made the swissroll.So i can not say can not.Hahaha......Have to made.But it abit boring,so i add kiwi and cherry.Plus i can submit to "The Christmas Giveaway in The Sweet Spot".Because it must have red and/or green colour.This swissroll recipe is from my friend Janice Thon blog.

Egg yolk batter :

6 egg yolks
20g sugar
60g fresh milk
45g corn oil
100g cake flour
15g cornflour

Egg Whites :

6 egg whites

70g sugar

Cream cheese filling : 
120 g butter
250g  cream cheese
120g  icing sugar 
Fruit :

mango,kiwi and cherry.

Method :
First, preheat the oven at 180'C. Then lightly whisk the egg yolks together with 20g sugar, then add in fresh milk and coinoil and mix well.
Add in cake flour and cornflour and stir well. Set aside.
Whisk the 6 egg whites together with the 70g sugar until peak form.

Fold into the egg yolk batter.Divide into 2 parts.Add in red colour in of the part and green colour in another part.

Spoon into a piping bag.
Pipe the batter onto lined tray.

Bake at 175'-180'C for 15 minutes.

Transfer on to wire rack to cool completely.

Once completely cooled, spread the cream cheese and place the fruit on the cream and roll up.

 Three colour fruits.Look like traffic light colour.
 Cream cheese 

Keep the swiss roll chilled for at least 30 min before slicing.

The cake is super soft.My boyfriend and sister like it so much.
Wish you try it......HAPPY BAKING!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Love the swissroll it looks delicious. May I know what size baking tray you used.
