Sunday, 5 August 2012

Pork Pongteh (Pongteh Babi)

When we say about Nyonya food,the 1st dish i will think is Pork Pongteh.It taste so good eat with white rice.This dish will served during Chinese New Year and Cheng Beng by Baba and Nyonya.This dish similar like Chinese Soy Bean Paste Pork.

I put too many oil....because i forget that the pork belly i bought is very fat.Remember don't put too many oil if you bought a fat pork belly.

Here is the recipe :


1kg++ pork belly ( cut into 2cm slices)
100gm gula Melaka
20 dried shitake mushroom (soaked)
30-40 shallots
6 cloves garlic
2tbsp soy bean paste
3-4 potatos (skinned and quartered)
200-300g turnip (skinned and cut it into same size as potato)
some cooking oil
salt to taste


Finely ground shallots and garlic.
Heat up some cooking oil,add in ground shallots and garlic and saute until fragrant.

Add in soy bean paste and stir -fry until oil start to separate.(Pecah minyak)

Add in pork belly and gula Melaka,saute for 5 min.

Add in water and mushroom and bring to boil.
Turn to low heat and simmer for 20min until pork belly is tender.(I using pressure cooker,so i using low pressure for 3min)
Then add in potato and turnip.Add water if necessary if the gravy become thick.

Simmering until potato and turnip is soft.( I uisng low pressure for 3min )
Taste it and season it with salt and sugar.(I didn't add salt and sugar)
Turn off the heat and serve it with white rice.

I am submitting this to Malaysian Food Fest,Melaka month


  1. Hi Hody,
    You added turnip too....Looks very tasty....:)

    Thanks for your participation MFF.

  2. I also cooked this!!! Hahaha... Gonna post it on Monday :D

  3. I saw the fat layers....... ooooo, manyak gemuk, tapi ini macam baru sedap! hahaha.

  4. I like the fatty parts (heh..heh...) and I have this Pongteh with sambal belacan. Sedap sampai tak boleh cakap!

  5. Oh, your pongteh look so yummy especially you added with turnip.

  6. fat fat part always the best......

  7. thanks for the recipe. i always use turnip for pongteh but my husband's side uses potatoes and i ended up using only potatoes. So now you have combined both, it is good that i can use both instead of only potatoes! TQ
