Saturday, 29 September 2012

Happy Mid Autumn Festival

Wish everyone have a Happy Mid Autumn Festival.........

Monday, 24 September 2012

Stir Fried Manicai with Eggs

This month is Sarawak month for MFF.I really don't know much about Sarawak.Lucky i found this at Kelly Siew Blog.This is very easy to cook and healthy dish.We love it very much.This vegetable taste sweet.Normally we using this vegetable to cook Pan Mee.It very new to me.So,i give it a try.As Kelly say no disappointed.

Recipe source:Kelly Siew Cook

500g Manicai
3 large eggs (beat)
some garlic
some water
salt and light soy sauce for taste

  1. Pick the leaf and wash it.
  2. Heat up some oil and put in garlic and cook until aromatic.
  3. Then put in manicai and stir it for awhile.
  4. Then crack in eggs.When the eggs is set,stir eggs and manicai together.
  5. Add in salt and light soy sauce.
  6. Serve hot.
Very easy,right?Try it,you will like it.Another way to eat this vegetable.

I am submitting this to Malaysia Food Fest,Sarawak month