Saturday, 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday.....

Wish all my dear friend have a wonderful christmas......Hope everyone enjoy this holiday.

Thursday, 22 December 2011

My Little Garden-Part 2

Osmanthus flowers..
Yesterday night i saw it has flowered but only 2 buds.It very small.When i bring it back from cameron highlands,it have many flowers.Maybe here the weather is too warm.
 He looking for his shoe.He want to follow me go to work.Everyday also the same.
 See he bring bag.Every time we go shopping sure will bring this bag,so he not forget to bring bag.He thought want to go shopping.Hahaha......
Who is him?He not my son.My mum is a baby sitter.His name is Keith Fong... 
 He is a happy baby.Always smile and laughing.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Coffee Chiffon Cake

I ask my mum "Do you want eat coffee chiffon cake?"My mum answer me "I already want to ask you make coffee chiffon cake."My mum and me super love coffee.Everyday must drink one cup of coffee.If not the day is not complete.I think many people also the same,right?I always say to my colleagues,no coffee no life.Haha..
OK....back to the title..Here is the recipe for this coffee chiffon cake :


6 egg yolks
100 g caster sugar
5 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
170ml hot milk
1 1/2  tbsp instant coffee granules
135g self-raising flour

6 egg whites
100g caster sugar
1/2tsp cream of tartar

Method :
  1. Preheat oven to 160'C.
  2. Dissolve coffee granules and cocoa powder in hot milk.  Set aside to cool.
  3. Beat egg yolks.Gradually add sugar.Then add in vanilla extract and oil.  Then add  in coffee mixture.  Beat until well combined.
  4. Fold in flour slowly until it forms batter and no lumps.Set aside.
  5. In another bowl, beat egg whites until frothy, then add cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks form.  Gradually add sugar and beat until stiff.
  6. Fold the beaten egg whites into the egg yolk mixture.  Fold until well combined.
  7. Pour the batter into an 22cm ungreased tube cake pan and bake for about 50 minutes.
  8. Remove cake from oven immediately and invert to cool down totally.
    Be patient and wait for cake to cool down completely before removing from pan and slicing.
Wish everyone :
                               HAPPY TUNG YUEN FESTIVAL &  

How to separate egg yolk and egg white

Prepare one empty mineral bottle.

Press it.

Put the bottle on the egg yolk.
Release the bottle and you will see the egg yolk will go inside the bottle.

 See the egg yolk already inside the bottle..

Friday, 16 December 2011

Black Glutinous Rice Chiffon Cake

Once i see the chiffon cake at Wendy blog.I start to look for black glutinous rice flour.I remember i have see black glutinous rice flour before.But i can't remember where.So i find everywhere.From Jusco to Mydin,from bakery shop to mini market also can not find.Suddenly i Giant.I saw it at Giant before.So i ask my colleague buy for me.Finally i can try this chiffon cake.

Recipe source : Wendy

Ingredients :
5 egg yolks 
35gm sugar
30gm corn oil
100gm coconut milk
1/3 tsp salt
67gm black glutinous rice flour
33gm superfine flour
½ tsp baking powder

5 egg whites 
85gm sugar
1/3 tsp cream of tartar

Method :

1. Preheat oven to 180C.
2. Mix egg yolks, sugar and oil together. Then put in coconut milk and salt.
3. Sift both flours and baking powder directly into the yolk mixture. Mix until well combined. Set aside
4. Beat egg whites until frothy, put in cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks. Add in sugar gradually and beat until stiff.
5. Fold ¼ of egg whites into the batter. Repeat with another ¼ of egg whites.
6. Pour batter into remaining egg whites and fold until well combined.
7. Pour batter into a clean pan and bake for 40-50 minutes.
8. Remove cake from oven immediately and invert to cool down totally.
Be patient and wait for cake to cool down completely before removing from pan and slicing.
Christmas is coming soon......This year my cousin say she having a steamboat and bbq party at her house on 24/12/2011.She ask us to prepare present for exchange present.Can't wait.....Sure very fun....Plus it also my two cousins birthday.One of my cousin sister request for swissroll or chiffon cake for her birthday cake.Because she like soft cake.But i told her i want make christmas fruit cake.She beg me to make one cake for her....So i still thinking want to make swissroll or chiffion.
 Present for exchange on 24/12/2011.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Chinese Herbal Chicken

When i saw Chinese Steamer Herbal Chicken at Nasi Lemak Lover blog ,i call up my mum and tell her that i want to eat herbal chicken.But she say we don't have chicken at home.Then i say never mind la.Sunday only go to market buy chicken.But on saturday my mum told me that she bought one kampung chicken.Wah.......i so need wait until monday...( Because sunday afternoon i go to kl for Jacky Cheung 1/2 century tour).Here is some chinese herbal and ingredients i use to cook this Chinese Herbal Chicken : 

 Kampung chicken

Dang Gui and Qian Kong.
Yu Zhu.
Dang shen. 
Red Date.
Some salt for taste
5tbsp Chinese cooking wine
5tbsp Ginger wine (my mum made by herself)
1 cup water
1 bottle of chicken essence

Place a big piece of  foil on a big bowl.Put all the ingredients in and wrap it.
Steam for 30-40 min.Depend on how big the chicken.
Wait...wait....and pressure cooker calling me....
ok...the chicken is done....yeah...
Remember serve hot....

My Little Garden

Today i like to share some of my plant in my house garden.My house is a corner house,so i have some place to plant some herbs and fruits.Gardening also one of my hobby.

This is my grape trees.I bought it at Cameron Highlands.RM 8 per-pot only.Why i didn't plant it on ground?Because easy for me to move from one place to another place.Hope it will grow grape soon. :)

Pandan leaves.This is very useful herb.My mum will put 1-2 pcs inside the rice she cook.

Pineapple tree.

Baby pineapple.It come too late.Can not rush Chinese New Year.

Kaffir lime tree.I can't take the whole tree because it a very big tree.

Osmanthus tree.Our Camoran Highlands friend give to us.


Passionfruit.Waiting plant it on ground.

Cucumber.Just grow.
Lemon tree.This lemon tree too tall.I can not take the whole tree photo.

Curry leaf fruit.Have you see this before?The fruit can not eat.We only use the leaf.

Mint leaf.I use it for my mint tea.Mint lemonade also taste good and refreshing.

Fennel.On September i saw it at Wendy blog.
So i try to plant it.

Strawberry.I never think it can grow but still don't have strawberry.

Lemongrass.I use it for my lemongrass tea.My mum use it for curry.

Thai basil.九层塔.

贝琶。I don't know what it call in English.It also from my Cameron Highlands friend.

Bell pepper.Don't know it is green,red or yellow.I just throw the seed on the soil and it grow.

My mum say it call Lemon leaf.It very good for cough.

Aloe vera.I love aloe vera chrysanthemum flowers drink.

黑面将军.Can prevent cancer.

Argy Wormwood leaf.艾叶

Calamansi Lime.桔

I don't know what it call..My mum will put in when she cook barley drink.

Gingseng leaves.

Beside herbs,my garden also got some flower plant.

Want to take care this garden also need many time.So,my mum will help to take care of them.Sometime after work i already lazy to do gardening.Somemore i want to do baking.So tired........but i very enjoy it.hehehe.... :P